Key Priorities For All Affiliated Brotherhoods:
· Recruitment and Retention of Members: Brotherhood
is a Membership Organization, open to all adult males of the congregation.
· Offering Diverse/Quality Programming: Brotherhoods
offer diverse programs to meet the needs of their membership, their families, the congregation, and the community. What distinguishes
these programs from those offered by other temple committees is the emphasis/priority given to conducting programs that address
the specific needs of Jewish men. In addition, Brotherhoods do not hesitate to co-sponsor various programs, events, and temple
and community service projects with other temple committees and affiliates.
· Publicizing Brotherhood Activities: Successful
brotherhoods know that attendance at programs doesn’t happen by accident. It takes planning and proper promotion through
a variety of temple communication vehicles to ensure maximum attendance and participation.
· Affiliating with MRJ, including providing financial
support for MRJ national projects
· Independent Financial Solvency: through dues
and other fundraising projects, Brotherhoods establish their own annual membership dues. (Range - $36-75 per year).
Brotherhoods determine the extent of additional fundraising they will engage in. (This is a function of temple culture, history
and brotherhood members’ interests.)